

英語で読む「内閣総理大臣談話2015」その3 からの(つづき)


In Japan, the postwar generations now exceed eighty per cent of its population.

日本では、戦後生まれの世代(the postwar generations)が、今や、人口の八割を超えています。

We must not let our children, grandchildren, and even further generations to come, who have nothing to do with that war, be predestined to apologize. 


Still, even so, we Japanese, across generations, must squarely face the history of the past. 

しかし、それでもなお、私たち日本人は、世代を超えて、過去の歴史(the history of the past)に真正面から向き合わなければなりません。

We have the responsibility to inherit the past, in all humbleness, and pass it on to the future.

謙虚な気持ちで(in all humbleness)、過去を受け継ぎ、未来へと引き渡す責任(the responsibility)があります。


Our parents’ and grandparents’ generations were able to survive in a devastated land in sheer poverty after the war. 

私たちの親、そのまた親の世代が、戦後の焼け野原(a devastated land)、貧しさのどん底(sheer poverty)の中で、命をつなぐことができた。

The future they brought about is the one our current generation inherited and the one we will hand down to the next generation. 


Together with the tireless efforts of our predecessors, this has only been possible through the goodwill and assistance extended to us that transcended hatred by a truly large number of countries, such as the United States, Australia, and European nations, which Japan had fiercely fought against as enemies.

それは、先人たち(our predecessors)のたゆまぬ努力(the tireless efforts)と共に、敵として熾烈に戦った、米国、豪州、欧州諸国をはじめ、本当にたくさんの国々から、恩讐を越えて、善意と支援の手(the goodwill and assistance)が差しのべられたおかげであります。


We must pass this down from generation to generation into the future. 


We have the great responsibility to take the lessons of history deeply into our hearts, to carve out a better future, and to make all possible efforts for the peace and prosperity of Asia and the world.

歴史の教訓(the lessons of history)を深く胸に刻み、より良い未来を切り拓いていく、アジア、そして世界の平和と繁栄(the peace and prosperity)に力を尽くす。その大きな責任があります。


We will engrave in our hearts the past, when Japan attempted to break its deadlock with force. 

私たちは、自らの行き詰まり(its deadlock)を力によって打開しようとした過去を、この胸に刻み続けます。

Upon this reflection, Japan will continue to firmly uphold the principle that any disputes must be settled peacefully and diplomatically based on the respect for the rule of law and not through the use of force, and to reach out to other countries in the world to do the same. 

だからこそ、我が国は、いかなる紛争(disputes)も、法の支配(the rule of law)を尊重し、力の行使(the use of force)ではなく、平和的・外交的に解決すべきである。この原則を、これからも堅く守り、世界の国々にも働きかけてまいります。

As the only country to have ever suffered the devastation of atomic bombings during war, Japan will fulfil its responsibility in the international community, aiming at the non-proliferation and ultimate abolition of nuclear weapons.

唯一の戦争被爆国として、核兵器(nuclear weapons)の不拡散(the non-proliferation)と究極の廃絶(ultimate abolition)を目指し、国際社会でその責任を果たしてまいります。


We will engrave in our hearts the past, when the dignity and honour of many women were severely injured during wars in the 20th century. 

私たちは、二十世紀において、戦時下、多くの女性たちの尊厳や名誉(the dignity and honour)が深く傷つけられた過去を、この胸に刻み続けます。

Upon this reflection, Japan wishes to be a country always at the side of such women’s injured hearts. 


Japan will lead the world in making the 21st century an era in which women’s human rights are not infringed upon.

二十一世紀こそ、女性の人権(women’s human rights)が傷つけられることのない世紀とするため、世界をリードしてまいります。


We will engrave in our hearts the past, when forming economic blocs made the seeds of conflict thrive. 

私たちは、経済のブロック化(forming economic blocs)が紛争の芽(the seeds of conflict)を育てた過去を、この胸に刻み続けます。

Upon this reflection, Japan will continue to develop a free, fair and open international economic system that will not be influenced by the arbitrary intentions of any nation. We will strengthen assistance for developing countries, and lead the world toward further prosperity. 

だからこそ、我が国は、いかなる国の恣意(the arbitrary intentions)にも左右されない、自由で、公正で、開かれた国際経済システム(international economic system)を発展させ、途上国支援を強化し、世界の更なる繁栄(further prosperity)を牽引してまいります。

Prosperity is the very foundation for peace. 

繁栄こそ、平和の礎(the foundation for peace)です。

Japan will make even greater efforts to fight against poverty, which also serves as a hotbed of violence, and to provide opportunities for medical services, education, and self-reliance to all the people in the world.

暴力の温床(a hotbed of violence)ともなる貧困に立ち向かい、世界のあらゆる人々に、医療と教育、自立の機会(self-reliance)を提供するため、一層、力を尽くしてまいります。


We will engrave in our hearts the past, when Japan ended up becoming a challenger to the international order. 

私たちは、国際秩序(the international order)への挑戦者となってしまった過去を、この胸に刻み続けます。

Upon this reflection, Japan will firmly uphold basic values such as freedom, democracy, and human rights as unyielding values and, by working hand in hand with countries that share such values, hoist the flag of “Proactive Contribution to Peace,” and contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world more than ever before.

だからこそ、我が国は、自由、民主主義、人権といった基本的価値(basic values)を揺るぎないものとして堅持し、その価値を共有する国々と手を携えて、「積極的平和主義(Proactive Contribution to Peace)」の旗を高く掲げ、世界の平和と繁栄にこれまで以上に貢献してまいります。


Heading toward the 80th, the 90th and the centennial anniversary of the end of the war, we are determined to create such a Japan together with the Japanese people.

終戦八十年、九十年、さらには百年(the centennial anniversary)に向けて、そのような日本を、国民の皆様と共に創り上げていく。その決意であります。

August 14, 2015

Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
内閣総理大臣  安倍 晋三

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